Tuesday, March 17, 2009

tac: Graphical Style

It's becoming more and more clear to me that due to the iPhone's SDK limitations (that have little to do with the hardware limitations!), my game will probably not look as good as X-Com or any golden age turn-based tactics game. All that nice alpha-blending just isn't going to fly on the iPhone. I'm gonna need something that looks very polygonal. Something perhaps like this:

That's Darwinia, from the venerable indie studio Introversion. They don't have many artists, so they embraced a style that is practical for their situation. It's nothing award winning, but it works great. I think I'll need to do something like this. I may need to abandon the wizard theme for something more TRON-like, but that's fine.

Turn-based Darwinia (stylistically at least)? That sounds good to me.

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