Tuesday, October 23, 2007

wasted time

pride can waste you a lot of time. as a first year phd, i have a lot to learn, since almost every week i encounter something new thanks to my research project. but, being full of intellectual pride, i rarely ask for help - surely i can figure it out on my own!

i'll spare the details, but i probably just spent a whole week doing insanely pain-in-the-ass calculations. then today, i had my weekly meeting with my prof...he showed me a much better way. turns out, you can do it in like 15 minutes using these things called "computers"...

wasted time = 1 week - 15 minutes. me = pwned (but a little wiser).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

time management

...i'm pretty bad at it. here are 2 videos that i can relate to, cuz they're both about bad time management:


so, what have we learned? you really need to just do whatever you need to do and stop thinking about it so much. bad news for us thinking folk, eh? stop thinking so much! it's hard, i know. maybe put a cap on how much you think about something before doing it - like 5 minutes.