Monday, January 28, 2008

video games: a prediction

Prediction: Sony's PlayStation 3 will become very successful in the future. it will "beat" the 360 and be right up there with the Wii in terms of hardware and software sales.

Rationale: Sony's investment in creativity and innovation will eventually pay off in a big way. Sony has clearly invested in creativity on the software end by giving publishing deals to indie developers with very creative titles (fl0w, everyday shooter, little big planet, etc) and by incubating a top-notch roster of daring first-party developers (Team ICO, SCEA Santa Monica). when MS, EA, and most other publishers are busy refining their Halos to death, they'll be hit with dramatic diminishing returns. as consumers grow weary of games that only sharpen the saw, they'll turn to Sony (and also to Nintendo, as they already are) to deliver fresh experiences. on the hardware side, Sony's decision to use the CELL processor will also enable different experiences. although initial development costs are high, developers will adapt and learn to utilize the unique hardware in new and interesting ways.